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Monday, September 13, 2010

We Need Some Help

We would like to add more books for girls to our site, particularly for young girls between the ages of 7-12. Fiction or Non-fiction, Christian and full of godly character.

We also would like to add several missionary biographies for young and old alike.

Tell us your favorite titles and we will try and take a look at them. We love recommendations! Thank you in advance!


Misti said...

Our family loves the series of books by Ed Dunlop called the Terrestria Chronicles.
Even my daughters (ages 10,6) love it as much as the boys because there are female characters.
We have been able to use these books so often in explaining spiritual analogies to all of our children. We feel every Christian family needs to read these out loud!
--Misti Konsavage
Mom of 8

Unknown said...

An excellent missionary story is "If I Perish," the story of Ester Kim.

Far Above Rubies said...

Thanks for your interest in what we like as a family, especially for girls.

Elsie Dinsmore
The Bible
The Lamplighter Series

The Princess Kiss by Jenny Bishop has to be one of our favorites. She also has the Squire and the Scroll for boys. Ages 7:12

Keepers at Home a handbook for young ladies

Anonymous said...

Recommendations for girls books. Any and all books from Lamplighter Publishing. If you are not already familiar...these are amazing books!
Thank you so very much!
Boise, Idaho

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have many of the books we would recommend you carry already. I notice you do not have the whole Elsie Dinsmore set...that is one item we are looking for for Christmas. We have heard of the Mandie series for girls, but also that she tends to act first, then turn to God for help. You may want to check into them, as we have not read them yet. Our daughters love to hear the Little House books, and we are looking for unabridged classics for a reasonable price, such as Heidi, The Little Princess, The Secret Garden, etc. Sorry I couldn't help more.

April said...

Thank you to everyone who gave us suggestions! We have a few leads now to look into and we really appreciate it!

God bless!

inkansas said...

My daughter (now 12) has really enjoyed the Rachel Yoder Series by Wanda Brunstetter.

L Bion said...

We enjoy the character-building nature of Grace and Truth Books. The sets that we are familiar with are: The Girls' Heritage Set, The Boys' Heritage Set and The Children's Character-Building Collection, all of which are lovely. Another set full of short devotional stories that all our children love (6 children ages 2-12) is The Building on the Rock Series by Joel Beeke & Diana Kleyn. Most families (that I know) have both boys and girls and it is useful for such families to buy books that would be read by both, or that could be used as a family read-aloud as well.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend the 'Moody' series-Summer, Autumn,Winter and Spring, by Sarah Maxwell. They are available at and are a great christian series for primary children. My boys and girls enjoyed them. My hope is to be able to buy books for shipping to Australia. It is harder to get hold of many of these recommended books here.


April said...


Thanks for your suggestions. Also, we would be happy to get some books together for you, even ones not currently on our site, if you wanted them shipped to Australia. I don't know if that helps your situation or not.

God bless!

April said...

I just read "If I Perish" as suggested by a reader and it was wonderful! The true story of a bold Korea Christian persecuted in Japan during WWII. It was amazing and had a happy ending surprisingly. If you want your children to read it, there is the mention of rape in the book and a prostitute if I remember right, but no details that are uncomfortable. Just terms you may not be ready for them to know yet. It is definitely going on my daughter's reading list!

Sylvia Zakusilov, RN MSN said...

I really like the "Christian Heros: Then and Now" by WYAM publishing. Very good missionary biographies that leave a lasting impact on children, both boys and girls.
Also, the "Sisters in Time" series by Barbour publishing are wonderful! They are similar to "American Girl" books, as they are historical fiction adventure books, but with a Christian focus and message. :-)